Third Thursday photographs

By weeklyvolcano on February 22, 2008


Maybe it was the influx of new galleries, or Steve Craig’s vigil, or the Festival of Northwest Plays, or the weather, whatever it was Tacoma turned out for Third Thursday Art Walk last night.  Here are a few shots I snapped last night at the packed Fulcrum Gallery where Steven Naccarato's art hung, the well-attended vigil in front of Steve Craig’s Rampart gallery and the lively Parfait Amour fashion show at The Monsoon Room. The progressive, impressive fashions were designed by Chelsia Berry, Zoe Vanessa Johnson and Lisa Kinoshita of Mineral.

Naccarato1_2 Nacarrato2_2 Rampart_group_painting Rampart_group_painting_2 Rampart2 Rampart3 Monsoonfashionoverview Monsoonfashionsparkles Monsoonfashion2 Monsoonfashion3 Monsoonfashion4 Monsoon_fashion_5 Monsoonfashion6 Monsoonfashion7 Fashion1Fashion5Monsoonfashionfinale It was good to share art, memories and fun with friends.