Don't party with DeRosa tonight!

By weeklyvolcano on March 17, 2008


If anyone thinks they can pinch me because I’m not wearing green, they are going to get punched in the face.

I probably shouldn’t have, but I let my feelings be known about this stupid “wear green” tradition to my daughter’s preschool teacher.  She was kind-of taken aback when I made the pseudo-threat.  But regardless, she challenged my statement, and decided to pinch me anyway.  I fucking hate that.  Don’t fucking touch me, lady.  It took everything inside me not to lash out and strike her.  There were too many parents around, and it was in my best interest to play it cool.

I get the whole Irish thing.  I get the whole “let’s drink green beer” thing, or “kiss me I’m Irish” thing, or whateverthefuck you want to over-indulge on during this fabricated Americanized holiday, I get it.  But why green?  What is this teaching our kids?  It’s modeling them for gang behavior if you ask me.  Hello, people!  Remember the whole “Blood vs. Crip” color rivals?  You really want to teach our kids to inflict a wound on another child if their not wearing a certain color?

I’m all for individuality, so I say don’t wear the fucking color green if you don’t want to!  Fuck the society that dictates what color you should wear!  I’m so pissed about this St. Patrick’s-wearing-green-shit.  The only time you will catch me wearing green is when it’s on my own will, or I’m supporting the Dockyard Derby Dames’ Femme Fianna.

Thanks for allowing me to vent.  Have a good day, and stay the fuck away from me if you’re going to pinch me.  Or you will go down.