Traver show reception

By weeklyvolcano on March 16, 2008


Traveranotherview Carmen and I checked out the Cordy Ryman opening at the Traver Gallery last night. Neither of us had ever been to Traver before, and it was sweet. The band Wesafari was playing, 50-some people were nibbling on appetizers and enjoying wine and beverages, and we got a taste of the fine art that Traver is rollin' with.

This gallery next to Museum of Glass is working diligently to attract a hip and young audience, and I'd have to say that they're doing an excellent job of that, along with satisfying their usual clientele.

To get the full low-down on what the Traver Gallery is up to, be sure to check out this Thursday's Scene of the Crime column.

Below you'll find a few of our favorite things from the gallery.

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