Third Thursday

By weeklyvolcano on April 16, 2008


Fulcrummanytunes For those good at counting, the fact that tomorrow marks the third Thursday of April should come as no surprise. For those who love local Tacoma art, the fact that tomorrow is Art Walk is probably already etched into your brain.

But in case you didn’t realize, tomorrow is Tacoma’s monthly Third Thursday Art Walk. In addition to the Tacoma Glass, History, and Art museums all being open and free to the public tomorrow evening, a number of other cool events are scheduled to go down.

Here’s a look at just a couple:

The Helm Gallery will present its first “sound and sound related drawing show,” tomorrow. It’s being called Doodle-ee Dee. The idea is to explore “different relationships that exist between audio and visual stimuli,” but I’m not much on art-speak. Check out the Helm’s Web site for the complete lowdown.

Hilltop’s Fulcrum Gallery will light things up with interactive neon art by Galen McCarty Turner.  The artist reception goes from 6-9 p.m., and there’s and artist slide show and lecture that starts at 7 p.m.

The Tacoma Art Place will host an artist reception featuring Michelle Merritt and Jason Sobottka from 5:30 â€" 7:30 p.m.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Check out the Tacoma This Thursday Art Walk for yourself to see all it has to offer. A map of participating museums and galleries can be found at the Tacoma Artwalk Web site.