Tonight on the tube

By weeklyvolcano on April 16, 2008


Need something to do tonight?

May I suggest sitting on the couch in front of the boob tube.

While normally I would never suggest such a thing, tonight is an exception. That’s because the most dance happy and beat bustin’ punk band I know, the Gossip, will make an appearance on the David Letterman show tonight.

I’m getting my popcorn and Pabst ready.

The Gossip originally formed in Olympia, but have since relocated to Portland â€" a very hip thing to do these days. Their latest recorded effort, Live in Liverpool, was released on Tuesday.

It’s the shit.

And so is the Gossip.

Unless you’ve already got plans this Wednesday evening, tune in to CBS at 11:30 p.m. It’s the cool thing to do.