What do you love about Tacoma?

By weeklyvolcano on May 15, 2008


I caught up with the Local Living Lounge peeps today at their inaugural appearance with the Broadway Tacoma Farmer's Market.  They lounged around.  And lounged.  And lounged.

Along with all the lounging came a hearty poll question of "What do you LOVE about Tacoma?"

Answers were interesting, fair, and came from people other than men in suits sitting at a board meeting.  They came from market goers, moms, hippies, and even Yogi Bear himself.  At the end of the summer results will be displayed through some sort of media outlet (TBD) right there at the local lounge.

The local lounge is just going to get bigger and better ever week, so go check that stuff out and give them your input while you can.  If you don't heed my advice now, then I don't ever want to hear you bitching about something you'd like to see different in Tacoma again.

Here are a few photos I snapped in the Lounge today.

Marketlounge1 Marketlounge2 I love Tacoma.