Fireworks: Still illegal

By weeklyvolcano on June 25, 2008



There are two sides of the fence when it comes to fireworks. You either like to blow shit up, or you don’t. You either like the pops, whistles and bangs, or you hate them. There doesn’t seem to be much middle ground.

Officially, the City of Tacoma is not a fan of fireworks. Not even whistling bungholes, spleen splitters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker donts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers - with or without the scooter stick - and whistling kitty chasers.

If you find yourself on the other side of the fireworks fence, it’s enough to harsh your Fourth of July mellow.

But in case you were thinking about risking it, and lighting a few Lady Fingers in defiance of Tacoma’s no fireworks stance, be prepared to pay the price. All fireworks are considered illegal in Grit City â€" however un-gritty it may be - and violators are subject to a $257 fine. According to a friendly “Fireworks are still illegal” press release which the city distributed earlier today, “most fireworks violations are a class 2 civil infraction,” but “citizens using fireworks are still subject to arrest for other charges (i.e. arson, reckless burning, assault).”

No one likes a reckless burner. That’s for sure.

From June 28 through July 6, no fun neighbors or those who just don’t want to see their shed set ablaze by a wayward whistling kitty chaser can call 253.798.4722 to report fireworks violations. According to the city’s press release, “If the fireworks violation appears to put people or property in immediate danger, call 911. The police will respond to fireworks related calls as units become available.”