The Tacoma Files: Adam Hall

By Daniel Blue on June 7, 2008


TacomafilesadamhallTacomafilesart_5 Adam Hall was born in 1978 in beautiful Santa Monica, Calif., where he lived until he was 3 until his parents relocated to Tacoma. 

"I moved away when I was 14, and had to go to school in Puyallup, but I would always ride the bus back here because I couldn't make friends with those Puyallup kids," says Adam.

He's back in Tacoma, driving a cab and making music.

Adam is always good for a story - he bumps into a lot of interesting characters in his cab.  Once he told me about a robbery and guns and shots fired and hearts pounding and âÂ�¦ you should just get it from the man himself. 

I like Adam for his conversation style.   HeâÂ�Â�s intelligent, witty, and almost every time I talk to him I come away with a smile on my face.  He seems to know most everyone I know and I often stumble on the most random conversations with him at the center. 

Adam is the king of the good mood.  You can find him between calls drinking coffee and chatting it up with the local color.

LINK: The Tacoma Files archives