The Tacoma Files: Doug Knudson

By Daniel Blue on June 22, 2008


Tacomafilesdougknudson Tacomafilesart_4 Doug Knudson is a man of warm presence and friendly poise. His dog Charlie the poodle is the most personable animal I have encountered, I pretty much regard him as one of us people. You can tell a lot about a man from his poodle.

I met Knudson at a Monday night dinner at Sandy's house that inspired many Monday night dinners in different parts of the city. Jack Jennings introduced us, and Knudson made me feel right at home in the nicest backyard garden he has ever designed. He owns a company called Arrow that does everything from Sandy's backyard to your den remodel, and has fingers in pies that always end up tasting good.

I asked him if he has lived in Tacoma his whole life and he said, "I haven't lived anywhere my whole life yet." He grew up in Seattle and moved to Tacoma in 1999.

Doug is a constant supporter of the arts in Tacoma. He owns several local artists' paintings and has shared his shops and garages with artists such as the increasingly famous Chris Sharp.

Knudson's warmth and friendly nature are the kinds of things that really bind a community together, we are strong when we lift each other up.