The Tacoma Files: Jena Stedtler

By Daniel Blue on June 4, 2008


TacomafilesjenastedtlerTacomafilesart_8 Jena Stedtler moved here In February of 2005, from Marysville, Wash., "also technically from Auburn, Lynnwood and Bellevue," she says with a giggle that is very typical of her cute teddy bear demeanor. Currently she is attending Tacoma Community College, "just trying to learn stuff," and has lived downtown and in the north end since she found Tacoma.

She likes Tacoma for her friends and how separate they are from how things are conventionally done, "There isn't an equation for my friends, I like that a lot of them naturally push buttons and push the limit without even trying."

She thinks this town is the most progressive she has lived, and that is attractive to her. She is very nice, because, "if you are nice it spreads, it makes sense to spread nice around."

I met Jena at the Kickstand Cafe, when she first rolled into town, she was introduced to me by a mutual friend, Kimmy. Kimmy and Jena met at massage therapy school and decided to get an apartment here to reduce their commutes, Jena stayed because of the people that she got to know.

She just got a job at Corina Bakery and Bistro and is planning to spend another year in Tacoma to decide if she should stay here or move to Portland.