The Tacoma Files: Kyle Burnette

By Daniel Blue on June 11, 2008


TacomafileskyleburnetteTacomafilesart_3 Kyle Burnette was born on Oct. 24, 1984 and moved to Tacoma at the lucky age of 7.

This melancholy rocker has been playing tight stringy surf tones since I met him at Bob's Java Jive when he was a member of local math rock legends, Adviso. At the time he was also playing for an artsy threesome called Muffin Man and working on his long time personal project, Friskey. 

When we first became friends he would invite me to listen to demo tapes on the cassette deck in his plush lined grandpa car. Sometimes we would go on drives just to smoke ciggies and talk about random things like the great songwriting of Elton John. Oh the days of dollar fifty gallon.

Currently Kyle is playing shows and recording with that sensational four piece of musical calligraphy, The Elephants, and also preparing to release an album for his longtime love Friskey.

I'm pretty convinced at this point that Kyle Burnette is a savant: the awkwardian pose, the passive and near rhythmic clearing of the throat, the structural and brilliant guitar, this young man breathes genius. Its hard to imagine him being satisfied by normal human stimulation, if it wasn't for music, he perhaps would have to seek another planet to find peace.

Don't be fooled into letting your girlfriends too close, under that pink jacket is a total ladies man.