The Tacoma Files: Sam Pascoe

By Daniel Blue on June 2, 2008


Tacomafilessampascoe Sam Pascoe was born in Tacoma in 1980, and is a true Tacoma Lifer. Educated at the Annie and Charles Wright's primary and secondary private schools, Pascoe is a gentleman and a scholar.

"After School, I took a job in Denver reinsuring new construction projects, it was boring," says Pascoe. "I came home."

I met Pascoe in the front room of the Kickstand Café nearly five years ago. He was a quiet customer, and at the time was drinking free coffee for having supplied the struggling new ownership with a playlist that the young majority of their customers would enjoy hearing. Music is a necessity for a café of caliber, we were all thankful not to have to hear Dawn's "meditation music."

I invited him out for a game of after-hours foursquare one night, he was a natural, and his quiet demure faded quickly once he had dominated the king square for a few rounds. I found him to be highly intelligent, and he educated me on many of the subtleties of class and culture in the North Haven of Tacoma's neighborhoods.

Having a taste for the finer things, Pascoe is an excellent resource for the high-ticket consumer. These days he can be found zipping around town on the back of a red Yamaha or at the Black Water Cafe with his nose buried in the New Yorker.