Beautiful Food Co-op

By weeklyvolcano on July 14, 2008


Beautifulfoodcoop If it’s in Tacoma and it’s in People’s Park, that can mean only one thing: It’s for the People of Tacoma. (I’ve always been keen with the common sense.) This Saturday, the people behind the Tacoma Food Co-op are invading People’s Park on Hilltop from 4-9 p.m. For those five hours YOU people can find out what OTHER people are talking about when you hear those crazy words “Food Co-op.”

Since 2006 this group of urban go-getters has embraced the need area Tacomans have had for an affordable, organic, local, and natural food market. Finally, their actions and persistence have brought everyone a sense of accomplishment as they become legitimate and incorporated as a business.

Entertainment, refreshments and enthralling food co-op information will be at the people’s fingertips in People’s Park Saturday. C’mon now, people, now is the time to find out how to get involved and find out what it’s going to take to MAKE. IT. HAPPEN.

[People’s Park, Saturday, July 19, 4-9 p.m., free, People’s Park, South Ninth and Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Tacoma, 253.272.8819]

Beautifulfoodcoop2_3 Tonight I snagged the latest Beautiful Angle poster. Hey ... what do ya know. Co-op.

LINK: Tacoma Food Co-op
LINK: Beautiful Angle