The Tacoma Files: Brandon Hughes

By Daniel Blue on July 19, 2008


Tacomafilebrandonhughes Tacomafilesart_2 Brandon Hughes is a scholar and a poet. He also can sing like a fucking angel. 

A graduate of the Tacoma School of The Arts, Brandon is one of 11 founding members of the fancy fancy Dear Records. 

His current musical project is called Freeze & Fur Coat, they are soft and medium hard at the same time.

Brandon has recently taken an interest in two-wheeled transport, having purchased a Honda Spree 50cc motor scooter. It is black, and so is his helmet, and when he is riding he keeps his hat against his chest with the power of the wind. 

A mutual friend, who told him that I had demonic control over his mind, made Brandon suspicious of me for a short time. I do not think that is true, but I started to be afraid of demons for a little while. 

Brandon and I met at urbanXchange where we became coworkers for a few months.

We became friends over music last summer when the Warehouse was the spot.  Brandon is fighting the good fight for musicians everywhere by undermining the management of the industry, cutting out the middle man and making music without compromising heart.