The Tacoma Files: Carson Churchill

By Daniel Blue on July 17, 2008


Tacomafilescarsonchurchi Tacomafilesart_2 Carson Churchill is a young activist. He is passionate about the injustice he sees in the world. He is angry with our immigration laws and the way we treat people who are not Americans on our soil and on theirs.  I have seen him on more than one occasion with a sign in his hand and message on his lips, attempting to make people pay attention to something outside of their own yard.

Carson is a man of good taste and a student at the Tacoma School of the Arts. He has exposed me to film and music alike that is both artful and sophisticated. When I was his age, I had no idea they let people make music unless they planned to play it on the radio.

When Carson went to China with the tips he earned working at the Mad Hat Tea Company's Farmers Market booth, I asked him to bring me back a throwing star. He brought me a fighter pilot helmet instead. I have no idea how he got it out of the country. He is a magic little crafty bastard.

Pictured above at Frost Park in downtown Tacoma, long before the Chalk Challenge was made popular, he knows he is the champion of the fountain.