The Tacoma Files: Erik Bjornson

By Daniel Blue on July 4, 2008


TacomafileserikbjornsonTacomafilesart Erik Bjornson is surprisingly not the son of Bjorn.

An avid community activist, this blogging kingpin has teemed up with comic genius R. R. Anderson and done the impossible. Using a careful alchemy of chalk and sunshine, they have brought the Tacoma blogosphere out into Frost Park from behind their desks and humble keys. According to Andrew Fry, "The chalk off wouldn't have happened without him."

Erik and I met like so many others at the (gasp) Black Water Café. By day Erik is a divorce attorney, and tells me that there are a lot of military divorces because people have been in Iraq. 

"I'm swamped. It's at the point where I'm just deleting messages. But it's like the paramedics, you show up on the scene and try to take a disaster and make it better the best you can."

I like Erik's passion for this town. He has sat on community panels, fought for events and speakers such as James Kunstler, and is often spotted walking to where he needs to go. 

Check out his blog Tacoma Urbanist, where he writes what he thinks and apologizes to none.