The Tacoma Files: Liz Sparks

By Daniel Blue on July 3, 2008


TacomafileslizsparksTacomafilesart_2 Liz Sparks is a woman of class and pedigree. She moved to downtown Tacoma in 2003 and fell in love with the people. Currently she works at Veritas Mortgage, and lives in Sky Terrace.

Her father owned a flower shop in Auburn as she was growing up, and she still helps out with deliveries on holidays. Liz is an extremely compassionate person.

She loves wine and wants you to sit, sip and tell her all your troubles and triumphs. 

I have told Liz secrets that very few living people know about me - I trust her without hesitation.

A giver of gifts, Liz has a near obsessive quality that turns her house into a factory around Christmas and wedding times. No one is forgotten, and she has multitudes of friends. I think she wants people to feel included and welcome in her life and in our city, she understands how important those kinds of gestures can be. Aside from being an excellent neighbor and community coalescent, she dreams of being a mother and continuing her goal of making the city a better place to live for everyone.