The Tacoma Files: Kelsey Medved

By Daniel Blue on August 6, 2008


Tacomafileskelseymedved Tacomafilesart Kelsey Medved is the best boogie dancer in the Northwest. Nothing seems to scare her, no dance is too dorky or obtuse, and when she performs them you will feel jealous at her freedom of expression and her obvious skill in kinetic demonstration. 

Long time girl of our beloved Elephants front man, Trevor Dickson, Kelsey is something of an envy generator for girls from miles around. Out of the limelight and in person, she is kind, sweet and hosts an intelligence that is somehow immune to the typical trappings of American women. Nothing seems to bring her down; I have seen her face life's strangest and most tragic twists with her head held high and an un-quivering lip. I am glad for her strength and her beauty, she is an example to women young and old alike of how to be chic, hip and urban without becoming jaded and bourgeois.

Posing here in the final stage of a secret dance move, Kelsey proves she is a sport and a friend. Up high, down low, out-the-win-dow, side to side, front to back, shake that SHARK ATACK! Thanks for helping all of us to stop pretending we are too cool to be happy, we all should loosen up and boogie more with Kelsey.

LINK: The Tacoma Files archive