The Tacoma Files: Preston Johnson

By Daniel Blue on August 3, 2008


Tacomafilesprestonjohnso Tacomafilesart Preston Johnson is my cousin.  Well, kind of; our family is complicated.  Having no blood relation, we are still somehow related by a marriage that has since been dissolved.  Even though I heard many stories of Preston and his brothers growing up, I actually never met him until a few summers ago on Titlow Beach where we were stumbled upon a bonfire he was sharing with James Sinding. We didn't know we were related, but that didn't matter, we got along from the start. 

Preston is a "fixie" bike rider.  A fixie is a messenger type road or track bicycle with only one gear that is attached to the hub.  That means that if the back wheel is turning, so are the pedals.  Most fixie bikes do not have breaks, and Preston slows down by applying backward pressure on his pedals, like an engine break.   This can be very dangerous when you are traveling at high speeds, but Preston is no stranger to danger.

Always on the cutting edge of color and fashion, Preston has introduced me to many trends in clothing, music and lifestyle.  Preston is as cool as it comes, and I'm glad he is on my team.

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