Volcano in chalk

By weeklyvolcano on August 9, 2008


Yesterday at noon, a worldly and explosive collaboration was made at the Frost Park Chalk Off.  It involved the talented Dawn Fortner, Jessica Corey-Butler, and myself.  I’ll be honest, it was mainly Dawn and Jessica, but I definitely added a small DeRosa touch to the chalk art piece

Frostvolcano Note the tiny volcano, the toilet, and the word “spew.”  I did my part and made my mark on chalk society. 

Dawn’s creative force brought on a theme of explosive Tacoma love ala “Volcano."  Her adaptation of Tacoma’s Glass Museum “spewing” love had people gawking at the brightly colored pastels.  ($18 Prang set at Tacoma Art Supply, FYI.)

For a time-lapse of RR Anderson’s drawing today, check out Kevin Freitas’ page.

By the way, Dawn and Jess' piece won. Neat.

LINK: Check out the works of art here.