We've been yarn bombed

By weeklyvolcano on August 3, 2008


Yarngraffiti There’s a lovingly-knitted cozy on the streetlamp by Ranier Pacific Bank. It was placed there by a local woman who has, whether she realizes it or not, has joined the ranks of guerilla artists around the world.  I’m not sure what to call it, so I’ll call it what some of the people who created the movement call it â€" Yarn Bombing, Textile Tags, Yarn Graffiti. OK, technically, it’s not graffiti, which translates as “writing.” But it’s so damn cool.

Sparked by self-described obsessive knitter Amy Thomas, the yarn bombing spree is a teaser for Showcase Tacoma, which will take place this weekend, downtown, on Aug. 8 and 9. Thomas also invites the knitting-inclined to come participate in a Sit-and-Knit â€" an outgrowth of another revolutionary art form, the quilting bee. Don’t laugh. Seriously, what is more revolutionary than a group of strangers getting together, in the flesh, to create something that no one owns, simply for the purpose of community and creation?

“This is a non-confrontational way to bring comfort and beauty to everyday spaces” adds Thomas.   

The collaborative project involves the handiwork of more than a dozen clandestine crafters. They are inspired by the group Knitta, anonymous knitters who tag the world over. Thomas wanted to bring the concept to Tacoma.   

“I think this project was very liberating for the participating artists to think about their work in this completely new context.  Knitting something for a public space is very different than working from a pattern to create a functional item,” says Thomas.   

Word, Amy. Word.

LINK: More picture
LINK: Knitta

Photo courtesy of Amy Thomas. Swatch courtesy of Colleen McGaughey.