Fall arts preview

By weeklyvolcano on September 18, 2008


Fallartscover9_18 An emancipated leaf twirls to the earth with the glorious abandon of a modern dancer. Or perhaps to you it flutters, valiantly fighting its descent before plummeting to the ground like of a fallen opera hero. Simply watching the collision of nature with gravity can be as viscerally beautiful to behold as an introspective tour of a museum.

It's all in the perspective.

Fall is the time of year when temperatures drop like so many leaves, and the focus of audiences shifts from the more physical recreational pursuits of summer to the more somber and serious exercises of the mind. It's no coincidence that cultural seasons tend to coincide with the beginning of each academic year.

From the recently opened exhibits at the museums to the holiday season, the Weekly Volcano’s cadre of cultural writers fall in line with the season with a focus on collaborations between the young and the ageless, as well as recommendations on everything from art to classical music, dance to theater. 

The Fall Arts Guide is inside today’s Weekly Volcano.  You can also find our kickass Fall Arts calendar on our Web site.