Oh good Lord

By weeklyvolcano on September 5, 2008


Vaudevillepromo223 In the late 1800s and early 1900s, vaudeville was by far the most popular form of entertainment in America. Sadly, the advent of radio and talking pictures killed it off by about 1925 or so, as people became (and still are) more fascinated by compact, one- or two-dimensional forms of visual stimuli.

For now at least, small, cabaret-style shows are a welcome, and burgeoning, addition to fringe culture like the upcoming Lord Franzannian Royal Olympian Spectacular Vaudeville Show hosted by storyteller Elizabeth Lord. Working in the tradition of vaudeville shows from the early part of the 20th century, this fast-paced variety show promises a little something for everyone Friday, Sept. 26-Sunday, Sept. 28 at The Midnight Sun Performance Space in downtown Olympia. Dance, music, comedy, storytelling, juggling, even feats of amazement will fill the performance space.

Tickets are $7 to $15 on a sliding scale.

For more information or tickets, call 360.250.2721

Picture are Raychel Wagner and Lauren O'Neil performing Andora Creterson's Ball Movement from last year's vaudeville show.