The Liars Club

By weeklyvolcano on September 5, 2008


Theliarsclub While everyone has â€" and is entitled to â€" their own preferences, for me the perfect place to digest a new CD is driving in my car. I know, I know â€" Daniel Blue and plenty of others would probably point out what an outdated, non sustainable and downright environmentally evil way that is to listen to music â€" but there’s just something about it. Tell the earth I’m sorry.

Loud music in the car is awesome. There’s no way for me to get past it. I love the way the drums knock around in my chest thanks to the close confines of my Volvo, and there’s nothing quite like the way a crunchy guitar, lit cigarette and open windows make me feel.

Alive. Vibrant. Cooler than I actually am.

In that light, today I waited until my drive home from Weekly Volcano World Headquarters to dive into this week’s record. When I say “this week’s record” I mean record to be reviewed on, but you probably caught onto that. I’ve been doing this for a few months now â€" Thursday comes. A record gets reviewed. It’s not rocket science.

Anyway, this week’s lucky band is the Liars Club from Seattle. Check out my review of their four song, self released, little shiny demo disc here.