Hip for sure, even some hop

By weeklyvolcano on October 2, 2008


Pacificfushionshowone Do you consider yourself young, open-minded and hip? Are you a card-carrying member of this demographic? Do you want to be? If so, here's a little tip: Pacific Fusion's October Music Series kicks off tomorrow night at Jazzbones. Beginning at 10 p.m., cocktails, sushi, hip-hop from T-town cats Life Cycle, Can-U, John Crown and DJ Reign, and live body painting will blow your mind, and your brain. Pacific Fusion's president Matt Eklund knows a thing or two about blowing your mind with music and art. The dude is one of the masterminds behind Tacoma's Urban Art Festival.

Why am I explaining this? You are a young, open-minded, hip individual. You already know this.

[Jazzbones, Friday, Oct. 3, $5 before 10 p.m., $8 after, 2803 Sixth Ave., Tacoma]

Future Pacific Fusion shows at Jazzbones:

Friday, Oct. 10
Eleven Eyes. Danny Godinez

Sunday, Oct. 12
Dana Disharoon Benefit Show featuring live music by One Way Trip, My Perfect World, Matt Eklund (solo) and featuring DJ W.

Saturday, Oct. 25
The Pain Killers, Motopony and special guest Stephanie Johnson (acoustic opener)