I must have been high

By weeklyvolcano on October 24, 2008


So, Pat Fest at Hell's Kitchen is tonight - designed to celebrate the life of Tacoma icon Pat Bostwick, who passed away earlier this year.

I wrote an article about Pat Fest which you can find in this week's issue of the Weekly Volcano. In fact, you can find it right now on our website by clicking here.

The only problem is the music for tonight's Pat Fest will include sets from the Fucking Eagles, Guns & Rossetti, Nancy Frieko and Taist of Iron - which I incorrectly called an Iron Maiden tribute band in my article.

That sucks and I apologize. I must have been really baked, or perhaps just distracted by how bad the Broncos have been playing.

Probably both, actually.

Either way - let me state for the record one more time that Taist of Iron is NOT an Iron Maiden tribute band. I fucked up.

Sorry, Tacoma.