Jesus at the back door

By weeklyvolcano on October 6, 2008


Here at the Weekly Volcano we get a lot of news tips. Sometimes they’re big, and, yes, sometimes they’re small. But that doesn’t stop them from coming in.

I arrived at the office today to find an email from Tacoma’s Cory Bober. Apparently, Mr. Bober has found some interesting stuff popping up on the condensation on his back door.

And by interesting, I mean images that â€" at least to Mr. Bober â€" look a lot like the Virgin Mary and Jesus.

“No one in the local mainstream media / press even cared to see my photos / images of this 'Apparition' and would NEVER do any story about it,” wrote Bober in his email.

Tough to believe.

Here’s a look at what Mr. Bober has been seeing. Whether it’s a real deal condensation miracle or simply beaded water is up to you.
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