An opera of vagabonds

By weeklyvolcano on November 16, 2008


Vagabond-Opera-for Spew Vagabond Opera, a self-dubbed "Bohemian Operatic Eastern-Euro Cabaret Ensemble," sprang to exuberant life in 2002 with European-trained opera singer, composer and accordion player Eric Stern as the driving force. Combining theater, comedy, sprinkles of burlesque, and passionate voices with incredible ranges able to sing in 13 languages- the ensemble performs an eclectic mix of music, both original and classic scores- to take the audience on a whirlwind adventure of sight and sound. Special guest vocalist and performers are an added bonus making it so one never knows exactly what to expect.

For their return to Jazzbones tonight, the special guest will be Tacoma resident Marie Nelson who wowed the folks in Vagabond Opera to the point that they invited her to perform with them again.

"Marie came backstage and we liked her so much that we asked her to sing something, right then and there, and we liked what we heard so much that we asked her to join us in a song that night," says bandleader Eric Stern of Vagabond Opera's debut at Jazzbones in 2007 and the band's first encounter with Nelson. 

At that performance, Nelson was sitting in the crowd. All eyes were fixed on the stage and on the charming humorous Stern who called out asking if there was a lady in the audience who could sing. Nelson stood, played along and began singing perfect breathtaking opera in response- joining Stern on stage. It was very unexpected and deliciously exciting. Such is the way of Vagabond Opera. Each sketch may employ singing, a multitude of instruments, props, humor, dances, colorful costumes and an audience involved sing-along. Or it may be a lone soloist singing a cappella in spotlight to an audience held in rapture at the divine ability of the human voice.

As for developing new songs, sketches and material for the group, Stern tells us "I was very lucky to work with some of the country's best improvisers out of Second City Chicago for three years and touring the fringe festivals of Canada. I learned a lot from them about developing improv sketches."

Pacific Northwest based Vagabond Opera has toured Europe extensively and traveled far and wide tickling the fancy of U.S. audiences. This unique experience can be had by music, theater and opera lovers of all ages this Sunday at Jazzbones.

[Jazzbones, Sunday, Nov. 16, 6 p.m., all ages, $12-$14, 2803 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.396.9169]

Photo: Brian Mclernon