Hard to slot

By weeklyvolcano on November 7, 2008

TONY ENGELHART: BRANDON BEAUCHESNE HAS MANY SIDES >>>L_c2afa33816da4714acba056c8d63a954

I'm finding it hard to slot this one as Brandon Beauchesne pulls from many genres to create his ultra hip sound. Maybe part T-Rex, part Gary Numan, and part Roxy Music? Probably a fair assessment, as Beauchesne brings back '70s Glam Rock and combines it with '80s synth-heavy New Wave. Oh, and he wears makeup- how very Ziggy Stardust of him. As a former member of the Envy, Beauchesne is well versed in the ways of guitar driven rock, but after the band dispersed he began focusing on creating his own sound- a sound that Beauchesne has dubbed "Groove Pop." So far he hasn't released any music for purchase, but you can download four of his tunes free via MySpace. What a guy!

Beauchesne will play Jazzbones in Tacoma tonight. It's a show worth checking out.

[Jazzbones, 9 p.m., $8-$10, 2803 Sixth Ave. Tacoma, 253.396.9169]

LINK: South Sound live music and DJs tonight