Matt Coughlin tonight at the Swiss

By weeklyvolcano on November 6, 2008

JENNIFER JOHNSON: FOOT STOMPIN' FUN >>>L_54c6381df9d66539ce2578606c190169

Since his public debut playing in the Puget Sound a scant four years ago, Matt Coughlin has grown from a solo folksinger with an acoustic guitar to an artist with the ability to perform in many different arenas and in many configurations. Performing as the Matt Coughlin band tonight at the Swiss, Coughlin, drummer Dalton Shotwell and violinist Kim Coleman will deliver self-described “good ol' foot stompin' fun” as the headlining act of the evening.

Here's Coughlin’s take on the bands he’s sharing the night with:

“The Black Sails are a cool bluesy band from Puyallup headed by Travis Barker; and Friday Mile- now their bringing in Phil O'Sullivan to cover some extra guitar parts and add a little swagger. I heard them at the Tractor last month and they are sounding killer these days.”

Coughlin’s music is an original blend of folk, rock, and bluesy country. He’s been seen doing a little slappin’ on his guitar for an added percussive punch. Coughlin’s soul-filled vocals make his lyrics come alive and when he uses ‘foot-stompin’ to describe his live show, he means it. Fans of Martin Sexton and Ryan Adams will love this show.

[The Swiss, 8:30 p.m., $5, 21+, 1904 Jefferson Avenue, Tacoma, 253.572.2821]

Photo courtesy of Myspace