THC does Puyallup

By weeklyvolcano on November 21, 2008


187954827_l Not long ago I was underage. Bars wouldn’t let me past the door, and the security staff was my arch nemesis. I never understood the invisible barrier that stood between me and the shows I desperately wanted to see. Why is it that the guy with PBR running down his chin and stains on his action slacks was allowed to stumble past the door guy while I was left out in the rain just because of my age? It didn’t seem fair to me then, and it certainly doesn’t seem fair to me now.

Luckily there are bands out there that remember what it was like to be 17.

All-ages shows are pure, a true sign of musical appreciation for everyone to enjoy. While the bar may not make as much money and the staff may complain about serving countless Shirley Temples, the impact these shows have on the next generation of musical enthusiasts is an equation sales cannot calculate.

The Jet City Fix, Top Heavy Crush, Atomic Outlaws and Basic Radio are bands that cater to fans
of all ages. While the Jet City Fix has rocked the Liberty Theater in Puyallup before, tonight will mark the first appearance at the Liberty for the other three bands. Justin MacDonald, who plays bass for both The Jet City Fix and Top Heavy Crush, expressed his enthusiasm through e-mail, “When Jet City fix used to play there it was off the hook!! I mean kids flying through the air and singing every word to every song! It was AWESOME! Some of our best shows were at the Liberty, and we can’t wait to do it again!”

Not only are people of all ages welcome, but the show â€" known as the Winter Music Festival â€" is an opportunity for everyone in the South Sound to enjoy some good ol’ fashion rock and roll. From Gig Harbor to Seattle and Tacoma nestled in between, the crowd will be a collage of musical aficionados. When I asked MacDonald what we could expect to see he replied, “I think at this show the crowd will be from all over the South Sound. I mean we have Acid Angels from Seattle, Basic Radio from the Harbor, and then you’ve got some of Tacoma’s favorites!”

Find a way to make it to the Winter Music Festival at the Liberty Theater tonight. You won’t regret it.

[Liberty Theater, Friday, Nov. 21, 7 p.m., all ages, $10 at Ticketmaster, 116 W. Main St., Puyallup, 253.864.8116]