Tonight at Bob's Java Jive

By weeklyvolcano on November 21, 2008


L_fa0ad0de43be90a6f779599a0892cae2-1 I’ve got good news, Tacoma.

PBR is back on tap at Bob’s Java Jive.

I found out first hand last Saturday, as bartender Dave happily reported the news to me as I saddled up to the bar for my first drink. If you’re anything like me, you were getting a little tired of Miller High Life, so having a slightly better crappy beer to drink at the Jive is a seriously positive development. I’m told the Jive also has at least one “good” beer on tap, though I’m not much for good beer. What I do know is PBR is back.

Also, if you’re anything like me you were so happy to see PBR back at the Jive that you drank it mightily. Then, for some reason, you decided at 1 a.m. that Jack In the Box curly fries would be a really good idea, and eventually you fell asleep in front of the TV watching the History Channel. Then you woke up at 10 a.m. to watch football, but felt like you were going to hurl
until midway through the third quarter.

That is, if you’re anything like me.

If that’s the case, not only is it a little disturbing, but there’s a good chance we probably have more in common than just our love of cheap beer and tendency for acid reflux. We probably like the same music, too, which is why you should pay extra attention to the show tonight at the Jive, featuring Civita, Blackbird Orchestra, Dishwasher Safe and Cutmaster Sammy Swell.

To read the full story in the latest issue of the Weekly Volcano click here.

[Bob’s Java Jive, Civita, Dishwasher Safe, Blackbird Orchestra, Cutmaster Sammy Swell, Friday, Nov. 21, 8 p.m., $5, 2102 S. Tacoma Way, Tacoma, 253.475.9843]