Linus and Lucy

By weeklyvolcano on December 19, 2008


For the last three weeks Pappi Swarner has been spinning that damn Charlie Brown record by Vince Guaraldi. This time every year Pappi finds nostalgic pleasure in Charlie Brown's decades-old Christmas cartoon. He admires the brainy Linus and his ragged blanket; sympathizes with the indecisive Charlie Brown, whose self-inquisition define him as a ringer for a future writer; he adores the shrill Lucy, who wears her heart on her sleeve for Schroeder, the Beethoven devotee; and then there's Sally, who has a moribund, blunt interpretation of her emotions; and finally Snoopy, that cantankerous pooch with clear logic and moody dramatics in every bark.

Good grief times.

Anyway, it’s Friday afternoon at the Weekly Volcano World Headquarters and our nostalgic leader Pappi is in full-blown holiday cheer. He’s fired up his jukebox, and what a surprise, more freakin’ Guaraldi-like music. Thankfully, today he added a twist to Guaraldi’s “Linus and Lucy” tunes.

Merry Christmas, everyone!