New Year resolutions

By weeklyvolcano on December 24, 2008


Fix-feature-article-1224 Last year, as the end of 2007 approached, I laid out some ground rules for 2008. I vowed not to buy clothes that would fit if I lost weight â€" to live in the now; not to keep clothes that are too big; no impulse buying â€" hit the gym instead; and no guilt over owning 30 pairs of black shoes and 40 purses. Last but not least, I vowed to get my closets organized and set my fashion karma right. How did I do? I joined a gym losing nearly 50 pounds, gave away tons of too-big clothes to friends, charities and the homeless shelters. I did away with destructive impulse spending and now have my vast self-indulgent collection of excessive accessories organized meticulously. I’m giving myself an A+.

So, you’re thinking about what your upcoming New Year resolutions will be, are you? I list marvelous resources for the three most common resolutions on the Weekly Volcano Web site.

What are your resolutions this year?

LINK: Weekly Volcano's Fix lifestyle section