That's right Zuzu!

By weeklyvolcano on December 9, 2008


Wonderful_Life Ah, the holidays. Rain in your boots, Christmas music playing in every store, having to find gifts for people you only pretend to like â€" it’s enough to drive one mad. But don’t despair! Remember what Grandma (or was it Charlie Brown?) told you: “‘Tis better to give than to receive.” Hurrah!

So if you’re sick of giving to people you don’t like, here’s a better idea: Give to people you don’t know. Thursday, Dec. 11, Associated Ministries will host two benefit showings of the holiday classic It’s a Wonderful Life to support the Family Emergency Fund, which meets the urgent needs of at-risk families. Attending the invitation-only night screening will probably put a dent in your pocket, but you might sleep better at night.

Happy philanthropy! 

[Blue Mouse Theater, Thursday, Dec. 11, 2 p.m. screening $10-$15, 6 p.m. reception and screening $50, 2611 N. Proctor, Tacoma, 253.383.3056]

LINK: Catch a movie today