Fresh Air tonight at the Robert Daniel Gallery

By weeklyvolcano on January 31, 2009


DJ-for-cover-1-29 Bobble Tiki enjoys many things, but two of his favorite are dancing and pretending he’s smarter than he actually is. Don’t ask how things got to be this way, just accept Bobble Tiki for who he is â€" a very complicated, yet simple little Tiki.

One of the places Bobble Tiki really enjoys acting smarter than he actually is â€" nodding appreciatively like he knows the difference between absolute and veristic surrealism â€" is at art galleries. On any given Third Thursday Bobble Tiki can be found doing just this throughout downtown Tacoma. If you see him, please don’t call Bobble Tiki out on this fact. It would be horribly embarrassing, you know?

Anyway, tonight there’s an event at The Robert Daniel Gallery in Tacoma that won’t even require Bobble Tiki to pretend to be something he’s not â€" but just might call on him to shake his booty. This is an activity Bobble Tiki will engage in without embarrassment.

To read Bobble Tiki's full article on the South Sound Collective and Pacific Fusion's Fresh Air event tonight at the Robert Daniel Gallery, click here.