Tacoma at the inauguration

By weeklyvolcano on January 15, 2009


Haggartys Initially, Washington officials were saying that as many as 4 to 5 million people might flood the city for Barack Obama's inauguration Tueday, Jan. 20, in Washington, D.C. Even though they have scaled back those figures to between 1.5 to 2 million, Washington is still expecting huge crowds â€" including Tacoman Leonard Haggarty, his brother, Teddy, and another famous Tacoman â€" Justin Peterson (who tends bar at Hell’s Kitchen). The trio will be in Washington, D.C. to see Obama’s inauguration first hand, with help from tickets provided by Congressman Adam Smith’s office â€" a reward of sorts for Haggarty’s hard work and unique story.

Read his story on the Weekly Volcano Web site.