A worthy cause

By weeklyvolcano on February 5, 2009


NLScoverWEB1 Fresh off their explosive 10th anniversary show last Saturday in Seattle, Oldominion stalwarts Mr. Hill and Barfly have joined forces with Cancer Rising’s Gatsby to form Nite Owls, a tribute band born from the need to help those stricken with the debilitating disease, Lastcallitis. Symptoms may include blurred vision, which is sometimes referred to as Beer Goggles, and can result in many things including regret and other diseases. They often form lasting personal relationships with bartenders, lapses in memory, missing bank funds, and may also lead to impromptu freestyle dance-offs, many times on pool tables or bar tops. Victims sometimes appear randomly naked and confused but jovial. It is best in this situation to just buy them another beer and move on. Tonight at the Royal these gentlemen, who also suffer from the disease, will be performing a benefit for themselves, to help extinguish a little bit of the pain of being superstar rap icons.

[The Royal, with AKA, Deadbeat, Billy the Fridge. 9 p.m., $5, 311 Capitol Way North, Olympia, 360.705. 0760]