Absinthe minded

By weeklyvolcano on February 5, 2009


Ansinthe-for-Spew “Absinthe has a wonderful color, green. A glass of Absinthe is as poetical as anything in the world. What difference is there between a glass of Absinthe and a sunset?” â€" Oscar Wilde

Well, besides the fact that I have never tried to punch a police officer after seeing the beautiful glowing orb cross the horizon, then … nothing.

Recently, it was brought to my attention that many people in Tacoma may not have a strong grasp of what absinthe truly is. So, while bartenders spend their nights having no choice but to drown out the insipid yipping of hipsters, douche bags, pretentious debutantes and horrible writers (myself included), they can help put a metaphorical gag in the mouth of the clueless barflies who spend their nights explaining to deaf ears why absinthe makes you hallucinate. I pray to God that these pubprentrenuers consider reading this article instead of using it for a coaster.

To get a full sense of what absinthe is all about, I went to Paddy Coyne’s (Eighth and Pacific Avenue in downtown Tacoma) where bartender Joe Korbuszewski took me and two friends (Lynzi and Trish) on a tour of three different varieties of absinthe. Check out what happened to me on the Weekly Volcano Web site.

LINK: Wine and beer tastings this week