Dirty Work

By weeklyvolcano on February 27, 2009


Breakfast-with-Bobble-Tiki There is a certain evident moment when, try as Bobble Tiki might to ignore it, it becomes clear things are careening dangerously out of control. Often its true weight hits when Bobble Tiki realizes he became the guy who drinks wine out of a box every evening and whose major excitement each week revolves around hoping the new issue of Rolling Stone has some good cleavage shots.

Bobble Tiki had another moment.  It came on 30 minutes ago when Bobble Tiki was making a guest appearance at his place of employment.

Bobble Tiki sauntered in to finish off a few mundane odds and ends â€" salaried employees are quietly but firmly expected to dutifully tidy up. A few minutes pass. Bobble Tiki meanders and procrastinates â€" another wonderful American tradition â€" until suddenly editor Matt Driscoll comes running out of the bathroom screaming for a plunger. Yup, Driscoll clogged up the toilet. Better yet, he couldn’t turn off the water. One, two, six â€" water everywhere.

The Weekly Volcano doesn’t own a plunger.  Nice, huh?

Anyway, this disaster coincided with our fearless leader Pappi Swarner’s Friday afternoon music/booze session know throughout the land as Pappi Swarner’s ‘70s Jukebox hour.  Appropriately, as Driscoll mops the floor with Weekly Volcano T-shirts (yup, no mop either), Pappi is cranking Steely Dan’s “Dirty Work.”

Ha, ha, ha â€" Driscoll just mouthed “I foresee terrible trouble.” By the looks of it Bobble Tiki does, too.

Enjoy the weekend everyone.