Snow job

By weeklyvolcano on February 10, 2009


Snow-one Bobble Tiki has a pretty decent idea that it’s not going to be the absolute best day of his life when he wakes up, lights his last cigarette, wakes back up â€" on fire, douses himself â€" and throws on the closest pair of pants.  And then reaches the office, turns on the computer, and hears â€" instead of the Monty Python sound bites constantly telling Bobble Tiki he’s doing something horribly wrong â€" a country song about Daddy “Cuttin’ The Big One” in a church.  Then Bobble Tiki receives a call from a friend telling him he got an offer for a new job at a tree-service company â€" as a branch manager. Or another friend calls to tell Bobble Tiki that two pretzels were leaving Commerce Street the other night, and one of them was a salted.  Like Bobble Tiki said, not one bit right.

Then, to top everything off, it snowed. And Bobble Tiki slipped on the new freakin' sidewalks along Broadway. Just rip off Bobble Tiki’s wooden skull and feed it to Ray Liotta right now! Enough already!

There’s always tomorrow. Hump Day.