Dwell for sale

By weeklyvolcano on April 7, 2009


You love Tacoma. You really love Tacoma. You want to keep local Tacoma alive.

Wanna put your money where your love is? In a proven-to-please place?

Dwell is up for sale, unofficially-ish, but officially. Turns out owner one â€" Shelly â€" has a hubby who’s been accepted to a doctorate program â€" in Chicago! â€" and owner two â€" April Donato â€" also has relocation plans in her future.

So for less than 100K, you can buy a business in the black, with rising income level and stable customer base, in a good part of North Tacoma. For less than 100K, you get a 1,000-person plus customer base, current inventory and vendor contacts, and all fixtures (and current, rad! location.)

Inquire within, or tell your friends to inquire within, or become a collective of friends and inquire within. Because the last thing Tacoma needs is another vacant-spaced “for lease” sign.

[Dwell, 2716 N. 21st St., Tacoma, 253.761.1889]

LINK: Previously on the Weekly Volcano Web site