
By weeklyvolcano on April 23, 2009


Hillstomp Since my first experience with Portland band Hillstomp, I can’t help but notice there’s not much difference between that bearded duo and my baby-faced toddler. Do they both sing with wild abandon? Yep. Are they dirty and loud? Uh-huh. Do they both bang on cans and buckets and somehow produce a unique, harmonious chunk of sound? You bet. The only difference is these gritty Hillstomp boys are old enough to get into the Eastside Club, and good enough to get paid. Swampy, electric and bluesy, with a bad-ass junkyard feel, Hillstomp has it. Get there early to pre-funk with Lucky Brown, and The Funk Revolution jazzin’ it up with their horn section. Eastside bartender/booker Andy says you’ll be pissed if you miss tonight's show.

[The Eastside Club, with Lucky Brown and The Funk Revolution, 9 p.m., $5, 410 Fourth Ave., Olympia, 360.357.9985]