Cool story

By weeklyvolcano on June 23, 2009


Breaking-Ground Sometimes you just want to kick humanity. Collectively. All of ’em. Stupid humans. Sometimes you just want to travel back in time and collectively kick your ancestors, too.

Lest you think this is nothing more than a whole lot of misdirected rage, attend Lynda Mapes’ lecture on her book, Breaking Ground: The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and the Unearthing of Tse-whit-zen Village Thursday night at Orca Books. Listen to the incredible tale of the discovery of the largest and oldest Indian village site during construction of a Port Angeles waterfront project.

Guess what the state workers working on the project did after discovering the village?

They kept backhoeing.

Now guess what the Native Americans did?

They forced the project to stop!

Discover how Thursday night.

[Orca Books, 6 p.m., free, 509 E. Fourth Ave., Olympia, 360.352.0123]