I need beer and Zook

By weeklyvolcano on August 6, 2009


I need a beer. My head hurts. This sun is f-ing ridiculous. I hate the man. I hate everything. I hate my shoes. I need a beer. Never mind that it will probably lead to my death by dehydration. Never mind that it’ll probably make my skull implode. I need a beer.

I also need some good, old-fashioned, blue-collar-rage music. Something with a lot of double bass pounding, down-tuned guitars, a wicked groove and bass that will make my teeth hurt. Some stoner metal that won’t make me think too hard. Some stoner metal that siphons all the rage that’s bubbled up in this heat, and channels it into a searing blast of pile-driving, head-thrashing sound vomit.

And a beer.

Thank old man winter for Carl Zook. Because I think he has what I need. He’s got a new band, appropriately named Zook, and enough dirty sound to heal me. 

[Hell’s Kitchen, with Mico De Noche, Thursday, Aug. 6, 9 p.m., $5, 3829 Sixth Ave., Tacoma 253.759.6003]