Cerebus-esque ferocity tonight

By weeklyvolcano on September 10, 2009


Mendozza Pop quiz, hot shot. What's Canadian, has three heads, and is coming to tear the soul out of Olympia tonight at the Eastside Club?


I'm going to be biased here. HELLA biased. Mendozza kills it.

The Judge's devastation on bass lends itself easily to his ruthlessly murderous namesake from Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian, both known for their merciless hammering of iron. 

Bina, the band’s tattooed demi-goddess drummer is the Canadian metal wife of my richest dreams. I could fill this fish wrapper full of double entendres about slapping skins and cymbal crashing crescendos of ectasy, but we’re gonna be the proverbial raised pinkie on a champagne stem here, kids â€" the epitome of class. 

And then there's Deuce.  If you can't tell by his name alone, then perhaps the decade worth of mangy hair will say, "I don't run a kiosk in the mall." With a voice like a thresher 10 years past its last tune-up and the guitar to match, he perfectly rounds out the threesome that is Mendozza.

This Vancouver, B.C.-based power-grind trio is a formidable sonic foe, viciously protecting its metal throne with a Cerebus-esque ferocity â€" and you are stupid if you miss this show.

[The Eastside Club Tavern, Mendozza with Witchburn, Spread Eagle, Thursday, Sept. 10, 9 p.m. 410 Fourth Ave. E., Olympia, 360.357.9985]