The Man is about to Burn

By weeklyvolcano on September 7, 2009


The night is filled with pairings: mind, body and spirit. It is an unusual feeling of urgency, of passions erupting. I hear primal screams, outrageous costumes; see eruptions of flame from mutant cars and art installations, fire dancers, and bodies coupling.

We are in my van waiting out the massive dust storm. It's a black night but for the full moon completely hidden by desert dust clouds.

We are at 30 minutes to countdown where all people release their intentions to the fire. It is the closest to a primal, jungle experience that I've ever known, except for the fuchsia rave disco clothes, techno music and pyrotechnics. Burning Man pulls my primal from my core and invites me to show everyone with no fear. 

I don't know how to put this into Tacoma terms today, this night. Its like living in a far away land, forever intimate with total strangers. Kisses of love given out freely from the heart. Gifts given simply because a kind word was spoken.

Love is in the air most of the time here.

Right now, at countdown, we are guttural, core, to the bone primal. It feels damn good.
