Transportation Fair prediction

By weeklyvolcano on September 24, 2009



As part of the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber’s Tollefson Plaza Summer Lunch Series, a whole slew of regional and city organizations will be hosting a “Transportation Fair” on Friday, Sept. 25 between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. in, well, Tollefson Plaza of course.

Sponsored by the City of Tacoma, Pierce Transit, Transportation Choices Coalition, Tacoma Wheelmen’s Bicycle Club, and Downtown: On the Go!, the Transportation Fair will offer commuting tips, bicycling options, and information on the public process of both the Pierce Transit redesign and Tacoma’s Mobility Master Plan. And as if that stuff wasn’t exciting enough, there will also be prizes and giveaways.

Here is what I predict will happen:

Many of the commuting tips and traffic reduction advice offered at the Transportation Fair will quickly be put to the test by a large swath of people that, after arriving at Tollefson Plaza, simultaneously realize how inhospitable it is. The plaza’s typically lonely pink concrete will inspire a sense of “I’ve got to get the fuck out of here” in much of the crowd.

The gridlock will be messy.