PBR art contest

By weeklyvolcano on October 15, 2009

Pabst The Pabst Blue Ribbon’s fourth annual “PB-Arts Contest” is on folks.
The contest invites PBR drinkers to create unique works of art inspired by the historic can.  Works will be accepted in four categories â€" photography, painting, sculpture and poetry â€" through January 15, 2010. PBR will select one grand prize winner and one runner-up in each category.  

As in past years, the winning artwork will be honored and displayed in cities across the United States in various ways â€" wallscapes, alternative weeklies, building projections, newspaper racks, bus benches, store displays and other visual outlets.
Grand prize winners will receive $1,893 in cash, symbolic to the year 1893 when PBR won their famous blue ribbon, and a one-year supply of the inspiring brew. The runners-up in each category will receive exactly one third of the Grand Prize: $631 in cash and a four-month supply of Pabst.  In addition, PBR will showcase the winning artwork throughout the U.S.
For further submission and contest details, shotgun a PBR and go here.