What on Earth?

By weeklyvolcano on October 1, 2009


WhatOnEarth_3D_DVD This just in off the press release wire:

Documentary film producer Suzanne Taylor, of Mighty Companions, Inc., is part of an international community of scientists, philosophers, geometers, educators, artists and farmers who are crop circle experts and enthusiasts.

Their riveting reports and lively discussions were filmed over six summers, affording fascinating ‘insider’ information and opinions about this radically misunderstood phenomenon, in Taylor’s new film, What on Earth? ... Inside the Crop Circle Mystery, a full-length feature film focused on the crop circle phenomenon.

Of course, here at Weekly Volcano World Headquarters we're nearly certain the glyphs are the work of a "higher intelligence" trying to tell us something.

Somebody is out there.

Perhaps we should go ahead and set up an interview with Taylor as the press release suggests.

That said, it should  be noted that we're drunk by noon at least four days a week. This could be skewing our interpretation of crop circles. And it's also worth noting that we adamantly believe in the Tooth Fairy, Dale Chihuly, SpongeBob Square Pants and the Blair Witch Project.